

Hello, my name is Rasa.

As a Lithuanian soul wandering the streets of Bucharest, I capture the world through my lens as a professional photographer. Rooted in the freedom of mobility, my spirit dances across borders, seeking beauty and inspiration in every corner of the globe. Art and lifestyle are my muses, drawing me into realms of culinary delights, exquisite design, and the elegance of fashion.

My passions are woven into the tapestry of life, each thread a vibrant expression of creativity and discovery. Photography, traveling, and cooking cuisine from all around the world form the triad that shapes my artistic journey.

In photography, I find a language without words. Each click of the shutter is a poem, capturing fleeting moments and transforming them into eternal memories. Through my lens, I explore the intricate play of light and shadow, the subtleties of human emotion, and the vast beauty of landscapes. Every photograph tells a story, a silent narrative that speaks to the heart.

Traveling is my muse, a boundless source of inspiration. With each new destination, I immerse myself in the culture, history, and natural wonders of the world. Travels opens my eyes to the myriad ways life is lived and celebrated, and it fills my soul with a sense of wonder and connection.

Cooking is my way of honoring the diverse flavors and traditions I've encountered on my journeys. The kitchen becomes a canvas where I blend spices and ingredients from around the globe, creating dishes that are both a tribute and an innovation. The act of cooking allows me to share my adventures with others, bringing the essence of the world into my home.

Together, these passions form a symphony of creativity. Photography captures the visual essence of my travels, cooking transforms those experiences into sensory delights, and traveling fuels my endless curiosity and quest for new perspectives. They are intertwined, each enhancing the other, creating a life rich with color, flavor, and meaning.

May this website ignite your own desire to discover new horizons. I invite you to leave your thoughts or connect with me on social media. Embrace the adventure!

Awards & Publications: